Listening Effectiveness Profile
The first key to improved listening skills is the time tested, multi-dimensional Listening Effectiveness Profile©. Used for over a decade in professional and personal settings, the Profile accurately measures potential barriers to effective listening including Power and Control, Performance Anxiety, Emotional Triggers and several more. Upon completing the assessment, individualized results are immediately available in printable format. As a registered user, results are stored for future reference.
Listening Effectiveness Profile – $15

Listen to Succeed
Having identified the obstacles to listening through the use of the Listening Effectiveness Profile©, it is time to use the second key, Listen to Succeed. While the Profile leads to awareness, the book Listen To Succeed leads to action. Contained in this book for meaningful and mindful communications are in-depth information on the value of listening, explanations of the barriers to listening effectively, and tangible tools and steps to achieve enhanced listening skills.
Listen to Succeed – $29.95